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Debbie is a tool used to validate certificates and signatures. Its REST interface allows an easy way to obtain a JSON response that indicates if a certificate is valid, and if it comply the validation policy.

Its services can be configured to respond over an HTTP or HTTPS protocol.

Debbie run over any JVM 1.8, and can be configured to run as a service on Windows or Linux OS. 

Currently a new Docker distribution is available. 


To perform the validation of the status of the certificates, and depending on the elements and policies that are configured, Debbie requires access to the services provided by the Certifying Authority.

These services are usually accessible through HTTP, both for the publication of the List of Revoked Certificates (CRL) and for OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) services. It is convenient that you consider this need.

Service & Policy

Debbie responds to the requests in each of the URLs defined in its configuration files. Each defined policy must have its own unique URL, and there cannot be a defined URL within another.

At least one policy must be defined so that the service can be started.

CertiSur, to perform tests of the service, makes available the following URL where the service can be accessed:<tenant>

Debbie is released in two different ways:

- A docker container,

- A .zip file to be installed as a service on Windows or Linux

To obtain a ZIP distribution, please contact CertiSur team at

CertiSur will share with you the .zip file in case you decide to use this option. But if you prefer the docker alternative, follow the below instructions:

Download Docker image

In order to download the images, user must be registered in the aforesaid platform. Contact CertiSur to request access, and inform the Docker Hub profile to grant access to the docker image.

Step 1- Login using a Docker Hub account

Login Docker Hub
# docker login -u <docker hub account>
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded

Inform your docker hub account

You have to inform your docker hub account in order to authorize to download the package. Send an email to

Security warning

It is possible to save the user’s credentials so as to login safely following the steps on this link(

Step 2- Pulling image from Docker

Downloading image
# docker pull certisursa/debbie:latest

latest: Pulling from certisursa/debbie
a02a4930cb5d: Pull complete
b5ffff9dbcda: Pull complete
7e5f58de12ac: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:332ee89371399b7c6235465beb00fbd2071868fecee33fc14d04b87ba99b265d
Status: Downloaded newer image for certisursa/debbie:latest

Step 3- Run debbie docker image

Run Alison Wizard
# docker run -d \
-it \
-p <external_port>:8080 \
-v  <debbie_config_folder>:/app/config/ debbie

Alison Wizard default configuration

Debbie docker image includes an ACME tenant inside. You must overwrite that definition to include your own company or project tenants.

Step 4- Configure docker image

It is necessary to overwrite the directory where configuration of the tenants are located. Follow volume configuration explained below.


Following volumes must be mounted on the Docker image to overwrite variables of each defined tenant.

Source (host)Path (container)Description
/home/opera/docker/debbie/tenants/app/configconfiguration files
/home/opera/docker/debbie/log/app/loglog files

Debbie configuration file has 2 main objects into it:

  • server: defines communication and conectivity.
  • debbie: defines policies 

Server Object

The server object defines the properties necessary to run the embedded Web server. By default the debbie.json file provided is setup to run the Web server on the following URL: "http://localhost:8080/"

licenseyesLicense key provided by CertiSur.20180814032223:dW5pdm.............RA==
ipyesWeb server IP address127.0.0.1
portyesWeb server port number.8080
protocolyesWeb server protocol.http
minThreadPoolyesMinimum number of Web server threads.10
maxThreadPoolyesMaximum number of Web server threads.30
timeoutyesInternal Web server timeout.5000


Server configuration
  "server": {
    "license": "20180814032223:dW5pdmVyc2FsPVo.............RA==",
    "ip": "",
    "port": 8080,
    "protocol": "http",
    "minThreadPool": 10,
    "maxThreadPool": 30,
    "timeout": 5000

For those environments where an SSL proxy / balancer is not available, an SSL certificate can be configured using the ssl object key in the server object definition. For more details of this feature check the user manual.

SSL Configuration example
  "server": {
    "ssl": {
      "keyStoreFile": "ssl/keystore",
      "keyStorePassword": "OBF:1vny1zlp2x9e6vmw1vn61x8g1zau2vn4",
      "keyManagerPassword": "OBF:1u3u4wmn4z5s1z7a5wnl1u2g"

If you use a proxy server to download the CRLs or obtain OCSP responses, the proxy object key must be added in the server object definition.

Sample Proxy Access configuration
  "server": {
    "proxy": {
      "server": "proxy.internal.local",
      "port": 3128

Debbie Objects

debbie object defines the properties necessary to run the validation service.

cacheDiryesPath where offline CRL files are stored when a download script is used.cache/
policyDiryesPath where the validation policies are stored.policies/
urlMaxRedirectsyesNumber of URL redirects supported to access CRL distribution points and OCSP responders.1
crlConnectionTimeoutyesCRL distribution point connection timeout. (msec)2000
crlReadTimeoutyesCRL distribution point read timeout. (msec)5000
ocspConnectionTimeoutyesOCSP responder connection timeout. (msec)2000
ocspReadTimeoutyesOCSP responder read timeout. (msec)5000

Sample configuration
  "debbie": {
    "cacheDir": "cache/",
    "policyDir": "policies/",
    "urlMaxRedirects": 1,
    "crlConnectionTimeout": 2000,
    "crlReadTimeout": 5000,
    "ocspConnectionTimeout": 2000,
    "ocspReadTimeout": 5000

According to this configuration, the validation service is available at "http://localhost:8080". The policy configuration files can be found in "config/policies/".

Debbie Policy Configuration

Every Debbie policy configuration file has two to well defined sections that must be configured in order to validate an End User Certificate for a given tenant.

Case sensitive

All policy configuration field values are case sensitive.

urlyesURL where the policy validation service for a tenant is available. If several policies have the same URL in the policy configuration file, only the first one found will work.acme
versionyesPolicy configuration version.1.0.0
descriptionyesPolicy configuration description.Acme Pilot

Indicates if this policy is enabled. This field allows to have several definitions but only keep one of them active. Possible values are enabled or disabled.

encodingnoThis field is used to select the character set used by the signed text, especially when it has been generated on a Web page that can be browser dependent. The possible values are all those Character Sets that can be defined in every platform. If none is indicated, "UTF-8" is taken as default.ISO-8859-1
certPolicyLevelyesSets the signature's certificate validation level. See Policy Level table below for more details.1

The following table represents the possible values for the certPolicyLevel field.

0NONEThere is no evaluation of the signing certificate. Any certificate is accepted.
1TRUSTEDThere is no evaluation of the signing certificate, ocspEnabled and crlEnabled must be false on the trust anchors.
2CRLThe signer's validation result is evaluated only by CRL, ocspEnabled must be false and crlEnabled must be true on the trust anchors.
3OCSP then CRLThe signer's validation result is evaluated by OCSP, if this fails is validated by CRL, ocspEnabled and crlEnabled must be true on the trust anchors. If this option is active, and any of the certificates is validated through CRL, then the final result of the validation will be WARNING.
4OCSPThe signer's validation result is evaluated only by OCSP, ocspEnabled must be true and crlEnabled must be false on the trust anchors. If this option is active, and any of the certificates cannot be validated by OCSP, then the final result of the validation will be ERROR.

Sample acme.policy.json contents
    "url": "acme",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "Acme Pilot",
    "status": "enabled",
    "certPolicyLevel": "3",
    "trust": [

Trust Anchors

A trust anchor represents the list of trusted Certificate Authorities needed to validate an End-User certificate. Following are the possible fields that can be used to define a trust anchor for a given Certificate Authority.

caCertCertificate file for the Certification Authority in DER format.config/certstore/CA.root.ClassB.G1.cer
certFilterDetails a specific filter defined on this policy. It can be by any field of the Subject or Issuer. The example  restricts the policy to accept exclusively End-User Certificates where the O (Organization) field included in the Subject field contains the text: “Acme Inc”.filters=subject.rfc2254:(O=Acme Inc)

CRL validation related fields

crlEnabledCRL validation for the certificates issued by caCert is enabled. Possible values are true or false.true
crlURLSee crlURL table below for more details.

The following table represents the possible values for the "crlURL" field.

CRL FieldDescriptionExample
URLIf Internet access is available from the server where Debbie is installed, it is advisable to configure this field with the CRL URL. Debbie will download it every time it is needed or if the previously downloaded CRL has expired.\_45a68..3/LatestCRL.crl
file URIIf there is no Internet access from the server where Debbie is installed, the CRL can be downloaded from another server and copied to the the location cacheDir defined on Debbie configuration file. The downloaded CRL must be referenced with this variable.file://http\_\_\_pki-crl\_symauth\_com\_ca\_45..d3\_LatestCRL\_crl

OCSP validation related fields

ocspEnabledOCSP validation for the certificates issued by caCert is enabled. Possible values are true or false.true
ocspURLOCSP Responder URL.
ocspCertOCSP Responder signing certiticate. This is necessary to verify the OCSP Response.config/certstore/
testUserCertEnd User certificate to validate with the OCSP Responder. This is used to check if the OCSP Responder is available.config/certstore/

Logger names are assembled from the name of the URL where the service is published. Every "." found in the **"url"** field is replaced by "\_".

A special logger is defined for the system itself, it is called "debbieLog". Each tenant has 2 potentials loggers: <tenant>Log and <tenant>Audit. The latter only generates validation outputs, both successful and failed.

case sensitive

All log configuration field values are case sensitive.

Each tenant can define its own logger file. Modify the following template to create your own log file. Replace <tenant> by your tenant name.

Tenant Logger Template
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# <tenant>
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Logger del servicio <tenant> (Auditoria)
log4j.logger.<tenant>Audit=INFO, <tenant>Appender

# <tenant> Appender
log4j.appender.<tenant>Appender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p [%t]: %m%n

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Logger del servicio <tenant> (Sistema)
log4j.logger.<tenant>Log=INFO, <tenant>Appender1
# <tenant> Appender
log4j.appender.<tenant>Appender1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p [%t]: %m%n

Following is the content of the configuration file included in with the validation service distribution. example
# Logger default

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# System Logger
log4j.logger.debbieLog=INFO, debbieAppender
# Debbie Appender
log4j.appender.debbieAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p [%t]: %m%n

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# ACME service Logger (Audit)
log4j.logger.acmeAudit=INFO, acmeAppender

# ACME Appender
log4j.appender.acmeAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p [%t]: %m%n

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# ACME service Logger (System)
log4j.logger.acmeLog=INFO, acmeAppender1

# ACME Appender
log4j.appender.acmeAppender1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p [%t]: %m%n
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