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Alison-Desktop allows the generation of keys and installation of certificates from an external application. It is designed to be accessed from a browser mainly.

Its services can be accessed through its Alison-SDK library, compatible with any browser (IExplorer 11, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Brave).

It can be accessed using Alison-SDK. From Alison-Desktop 3.x a new REST interface is available for generation, installation, and testing.


Alison-Desktop was tested on the following platforms:

Windows 10MacOS 11 (Big Sur)Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Windows 8MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804
Windows 7MacOS 10.14 (Mojave)

MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra)

Available KeyStore List

The following KeyStores are included on any version of Alison-Desktop (+3.x).


WIN-ENHNative and regular Windows CSP used to generate and store certificates for users.

CSKProprietary repository, linked to computer hardware to provide a more secure repository
ETOKENSafenet/Gemalto eToken
MTOKENCentury Longmai mToken
MACOSKeychain repository of certificates used by OSX

FF-NSSThe repository used by Mozilla Firefox

Yubico PIV

Required drivers should be downloaded from yubico-piv-tool/Releases/


Feitian ePass.

Required drivers could be downloaded from: ePass2003_Full_SDK_20210127.rar

ATHEIDPAthena IDProtect Key

SafeSign IC faq-safesign-identity-client



PFXRepository of the certificate using a PKCS12 file

It's also possible to add a new PKCS#11 Keystore just by editing the file keystore.user located into the config directory for each user. This file will include new Keystore entries in each new version of Alison-Desktop.

This is a typical entry to define a new Keystore:

KeyStore Entry
    "id": "ETOKEN",
	"status": "enabled",
	"icon": "TOKEN",
	"friendly_name": "Gemalto eToken",
	"capabilities": "SGI",
	"extra_params": "allow_empty_pass",
	"filter_mask": -1,
	"windows": {
		"driver_path_x86": "%WINDRIVER%\\eTPKCS11.dll",
		"driver_path_x64": "%WINDRIVER%\\eTPKCS11.dll"
	"osx": {
		"driver_path": "/usr/local/lib/libeTPkcs11.dylib"
	"linux": {
		"driver_path": "/usr/lib64/"

Alison Desktop is a certificate provider that can be accessed throw an SDK library or its REST interface (available from Alison-Desktop v3.x).

Alison JS

Go to AlisonJS library documentation.

REST interface

Read and Test this interface from Postman.

The following definitions and structures are useful for a better understanding of the interface, library and how to use it.

Some structures share attributes like:

serialNumberCertificate Serial Number, in string format, with a hexadecimal number [0..9,a..f] (only lowercase letters).
thumbPrintCertificate thumbPrint, SHA1 algorithm, and hexadecimal values [0..9,a..f].
keyStoreIdKeyStore where the certificate is installed.
profileNameIndicates on which profile the certificate is installed. Some types of keyStore have a unique profile (like WIN-ENH or MACOS), so in those cases, this value may be optional.
providerIdWhen you have initialized the library to work with other providers different than Alison-Destkop.

A complete list of KeyStoreId is available on each distribution of Alison-Desktop or Alison-Server.

Users can add your own KeyStoreId following the instruction of Alison-Desktop.

KeyStore is the basic unit of identification of certificate repositories.
Each type of keyStore has a definition that includes a unique identifier, and other attributes used by the library for better representation.

KeyStoreInfo JSON structure
	"id": "keyStore Identifier",
	"friendlyName" : "keyStore friendly name",
	"keyStoreType": "type of keystore",
	"providerId": "Certificate provider (usually Alison-Desktop)",
	"capabilities": "string representing capabilities of this keystore to Generate, Import, Export or Sign",
	"profiles" : [ Profile list included inside this keyStore ],
	"status": "keystore status, with the ResultStatus structure described later",

Some of these fields are available from Alison-Desktop version 3.1.0+.


Each KeyStore has one or more Profiles. This depends on the Keystore type. Some keyStores only have one profile.

Each profile is identified by its profileName, which may depend on the type of KeyStore.

Some of the profileName can remain constant over time, as is the case with PFX, CSK, or MACOS, but others can dynamically change between one execution and other.

Each profile contains certificates installed within it. By looking at the attributes of a profile, you can find how many certificates you have installed (-1 represents that the attribute has not been evaluated), and how many of them are dummy certificate installations (temporarily created to keep the private key, but not functional).

The information contained in a KeyStore is represented by a JSON structure called KeyStoreInfo. The structure has the following information:

Profile JSON information
	"id": "{{profileId}}",
	"name": "{{profileName}}",
	"friendlyName": "{{friendlyName}}",
	"status": {
	"issuedCerts": -1,
	"dummyCerts": -1,
	"details": {

idprofileId is utilized to identify a specific profile. It's composed by KeyStoreId#>profileName
nameName of the profile. It depends on the Keystore type.
friendlyNameFriendly name of the profile. Usually the name of the device, for example.
statusStatus of the profile in ResultStatus format.
issuedCertsThe number of certificates installed in the profile. -1 when this value was not evaluated.
dummyCertsThe number of dummy certificates installed in the profile. -1 when this value was not evaluated.
detailsDetails of the profile.

It's used to indicate a unique KeyStore and a profile into it.

Some methods, like the migration of certificates between Keystores, use a KeyStoreSelector to indicate the target Keystore where to move the certificate.

KeyStore Selector Structure
	"keyStoreId": "keyStoreId where the certificate is stored",
	"profileName": "profileName where the certificate is stored",
	"providerId": "when the certificate is managed by another certificate provider than Alison-Destkop"

This structure is used to reference a unique certificate managed by Alison-Desktop or Alison-Server.

Certificate Selector Structure
	"keyStoreId": "keyStoreId where the certificate is stored",
	"profileName": "profileName where the certificate is stored",
	"thumbPrint": "certificate thumbprint",
	"providerId": "certificate provider (usually Alison-Desktop)"

A WebCertificate is the representation of a certificate that is stored in a Keystore.

It contains all the certificate information such as subject, issuer, and thumbprint.

A full description of this structure is located in Debbie documentation.

WebCertificate Structure
	"serialNumber": "The serial number of the certificate",
	"serialNumberH": "The serial number in hexadecimal",
	"thumbPrint": "A unique identifier of the certificate",
	"notBeforeS": "Not-before value of the certificate, in a string format 
				   YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS GMT-0",
	"notAfterS": "Not-after value of the certificate, in a string format 
                  YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS GMT-0",
	"daysToExpire": "Days before expiration",
	"notBeforeTS": "Not-Before timestamp value of the certificate",
	"notAfterTS": "Not-After timestamp value of the certificate",
	"isDefault": "True is the certificate is the last used 
				  (when the certificate is included in a list of certificates)",
	"status": "Certificate status (valid | revoked ) (-1 is UNDEF)" *,
	"trustLevel": "TrustLevel used during its validation. 
				   It depends on the Debbie validation policy used" *,
	"validationMode": "Indicates the validation mode used by Debbie" *,
	"profile": Basic information about the profile that contains this certificate,
	"subject": {
		"DN": "Distringuished Name of the Subject",
		"parsedDN": "JSON Object that represents de DN"
	"issuer": {
		"DN": "Distringuished Name of the Issuer",
		"parsedDN": "JSON Object that represents the DN"
	"extensions": Some principal extensions defined into the certificate,
	"pkcs7": "Certificate in PEM format",
	"keyStoreId": "KeyStore Identifier",
	"keyStoreType": "KeyStore Type"

This structure is used to represent the status of several elements (Keystore, profile, etc).

Result Status Structure
"status": {
	"resultStatus": "[ 0 | 1 | 2 ] ",
			{ "code": "result code",
		  	  "detail": "result code detail"

resultStatusIt's an integer value, where 0 represents that there is no error, 1 is used to alert about some special condition, which must be taken into consideration, (for example, that a cryptographic device is almost full), and 2 indicates an error on the Keystore (for example, if it is locked)
resultListIt's a list of pair key-values (code, detail), where code contains a warning or error code, and detail may contain information about the code.

ErrorCode responses

Error code responses are returned with the following structure:

ErrorCode response structure
	"code": 20611,
	"message": "Token is not present or is empty"

You can download the last published version of Alison-Desktop accessing ACME Alison Wizard. 

You also can access the current development Alison-Desktop version for each platform.

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