- Created by Armando Carratala , last modified by Former user on Feb 12, 2020
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AlisonJS is a javascript client library to access [Alison-Desktop] functionalities from any browser.
Current version (3.x) is a major release and it has a totally different interface over previous releases, taking advantage of the new REST interface provided by Alison-Desktop and Alison-Server.
This library still maintains backward compatibility with Alison-Desktop v2.
Browser compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Opera | Brave | Edge | IExplorer |
Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | 11 ✔ |
You can [download latest stable release] of AlisonJS
You must include the following line in your html page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="alisonJS.umd.js"></script> |
This is a work in progress.
It may be subject to changes in the future.
Related Product
Alison Desktop
Go to the Alison Desktop documentation.
constructor(urls?: string[]);
Argument | Required | Description |
urls | ✘ | Array of interfaces to comunicate with Alison-Desktop or Alison-Server. Default value is ['', ]. |
const alison = new AlisonJS.Desktop();
Opens a session with certificate provider (Alison-Desktop or Alison-Server).
Must be called before any other methods.
initialize({ accessToken: string }) : Promise<void>;
Argument | Required | Description |
accessToken | ✔ | Package containing all the Licenses used by Alison-Desktop to enable its functionality on the domain where is invoked. This string is in a Base64 format. |
alison.initialize({ accessToken: "eyJ2M9==" }).then( function() { // handle success }, function({ code, detail }) { // handle failure } )
Generate CSR
Generates a keyPair and a Certificate Signing Request.
generateCsr({ keyStore: KeyStore options?: { algorithm?: string size?: number signatureAlgorithm?: string } securityPolicy?: SecurityPolicy }): Promise<{ csr: string }>
Argument | Required | Description |
keyStore | ✔ | Alison JS where to generate the certificate request. |
options | ✘ | Default values are: { algorithm: 'RSA', size: 2048, csrAlgorithm: 'SHA256WITHRSA' } |
securityPolicy | ✘ | Security requirements to be applied on the keyStore/profile. |
alison.generateCsr({ keyStore: { id: "WIN-ENH" }, options: { size: 2048 }, securityPolicy: { exportable: true } }).then( function({ csr }) { // handle success }, function({ code, detail }) { // handle failure } )
Install Certificate
Installs the certificate into the keyStore/profile indicated. Returns Alison JS
installPkcs7({ keyStore: KeyStore pkcs7: string securityPolicy?: SecurityPolicy }): Promise<{ certificate: WebCertificate }>
Argument | Required | Description |
keyStore | ✔ | Alison JS where the privateKey is stored |
pkcs7 | ✔ | Certificate (X.509) and/or Certificate chain (PKCS#7 structure) to be installed (in base64 format). No PEM header must be included. |
securityPolicy | ✘ | Security requirements to be applied on the keyStore/profile. |
alison.installPkcs7({ keyStore: { id: "WIN-ENH" }, pkcs7: "MIICU5iNXuudGfc=" }).then( function({ certificate }) { // handle success }, function({ code, detail }) { // handle failure } )
Get Available KeyStores
Lists ids of available keyStores found in Alison-Desktop.
listKeyStores(): Promise<{ keyStores: { id: string }[] }>
alison.listKeyStores().then( function({ keyStores }) { // handle success }, function({ code, detail }) { // handle failure } )
Get KeyStore Information
Returns information about a specific keyStore.
keyStoreInfo(KeyStore): Promise<{ keyStore: KeyStoreInfo }>
alison.getKeystoreInfo({ id: "CSK" }).then( function({ keyStore }) { // handle success }, function({ code, detail }) { // handle failure } )
Get Certificate List
Lists certificates found in Alison-Desktop. Returns array of Alison JS.
certificateList(): Promise<{ certificates: WebCertificate[]; }>;
alison.certificateList().then( function({ certificates }) { // handle success }, function(response) { // handle failure } )
Sign text
Uses certificate to sign a string.
sign({ text: string certificate: string keyStore: KeyStore; options?: { algorithm?: string; format?: string; params?: string; } }): Promise<{ signature: string }>;
Argument | Required | Description |
text | ✔ | Text to be signed in base64 format. |
certificate | ✔ | ThumbPrint of certificate to use. |
options | ✘ | defaults are { algorithm: 'SHA1withRSA', format: 'CAdES', params: '' } |
keyStore | ✘ | KeyStore where the certificate is located. |
alison.sign({ text: 'text to sign', ceritificate: 'C22E8C20D6042B2BF6A6E054B7378FEC57414765', keyStore: { id: "WIN-ENH" } }).then( function({ signature }) { // handle success }, function(response) { // handle failure } )
Following interfaces are used by this library.
KeyStore { id: string profile?: string }
Security Policy
CapiSecurityPolicy { exportable?: boolean; protectionLevel?: number; title?: string; friendlyName?: string; description?: string; } DeviceSecurityPolicy { installDummy?: boolean generateOnBoard?: boolean } PassSecurityPolicy { passMinLength: number passComplexity: number } Pkcs11SecurityPolicy { installDummy?: boolean generateOnBoard?: boolean passMinLength?: number passComplexity?: number } CskSecurityPolicy { id: string passMinLength: number passComplexity: number passLockCount: number passExpiration: number lockTimeout: number idleTimeout: number certExport: number } SecurityPolicy = | EtokenSecurityPolicy | CapiSecurityPolicy | CskSecurityPolicy | DeviceSecurityPolicy | PassSecurityPolicy | Pkcs11SecurityPolicy | {}
Web Certificate
WebCertificate { serialNumber: string thumbPrint string subjectDN: string issuerDN: string validity: { from: string left: number until: string total: number isExpired: boolean } }
Generate and Install a certificate.
<script src="./alisonJS.umd.js"></script> const alison = new AlisonJS.Desktop() // Call initialize method with License provided by Certisur alison.initialize({ accessToken: "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", }).then(function() { // Generate KeyPair and Certificate Signing Request in MACOS keyStore alison.generateCsr( { keyStore: { id: "MACOS" }, securityPolicy: { installDummy: true } }).then(function({ csr }) { // issue the certificate through an external CA const pkcs7 = requestCertificateFromYourCA(csr) // install issued certificate alison.installPkcs7({ keyStore: { id: "MACOS" }, pkcs7: pkcs7 }).then(function({ certificate }) { // Certificate is currently installed in the MACOS keyStore // In case you want to use or test the certificate we just installed, // You can use the "sign" method alison.sign({ text: 'test signature', certificate: certificate.thumbPrint, keyStore: { id: "MACOS" } }).then(function({ signature }){ // Print signature result console.log(signature) }, printError) }, printError) }, printError) }, printError) function printError({ code, detail }) { console.log(`error ${code}: ${detail}`) }
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