Nivel técnico: BAJO
Actualizado: Jun-2022
English Version

Alison Desktop AD (>3.2.1)

DigiCert Desktop Client DDC (>3.2.1)

(blue star) Instructions

Follow the steps below to install and run DigiCert Desktop Client or Alison-Desktop. You must open a terminal on your computer to perform these tasks.

Use alison-desktop or digicert-desktop depending of the product that you want to install.

(blue star) Delete any previous versions: How to uninstall the application?


sudo dpkg -r alison-desktop

(blue star) Download latest version



Verify that you are downloading the latest version or the version that your provider informed to you. These examples were done using the 3.3.2 version. To use another version, please replace the number.

(blue star) Install Alison-Desktop


sudo apt install --fix-broken ./Alison-Desktop-Installer-3.3.2.deb

(blue star) Execute Alison-Desktop

The installation process may require that you be logged out. Log back into your session and search for Alison-Desktop among the installed programs.

(blue star) Enable Browser

At the top you will see the Application icon. You must enable the corresponding browser.

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Muchas gracias.