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AlisonGUI is a javascript client library to access Alison-Desktop and AlisonServer certificates functionalities from any browser. AlisonGUI embed AkisonJS into it.
11 ✔
You can [download latest stable release] of AlisonGUI.
You must include the following line in your HTML page.
It is possible to access future releases of the library to test new features to be implemented.
This is a work in progress.
It may be subject to changes in the future.
Go to the Alison Desktop documentation.
List of available methods.
Use the attribute libVersion to determine current version of the library.
const version = alisonGUI.libVersion;
This method initialize the defined providers, set filters and display features and show a dialog windows to perform the selected operation.
AlisonGUI.mount( parameter );
A JSon string defining all the components and operations.
A description of each field can be found below.
Following fields can be present into the parameters.
{ gui?: {...}, providers: {...}, filters?: [...], certificate?: {...}, operation?: {...}, signature?: {...}, onConfirm: (result) {...}, onCancel: (result) {...} }
gui: { logoUrl: logoUrl?, theme: themeId?, header: header?, language: language?, viewSignature: boolean? }
URL to the logo image to be included into the header of the dialog window.
String to describe the operation.
<script src="./alisonGUI.umd.js"></script> AlisonGUI.mount({ gui: { logoUrl: company.logo, language: "en" }, providers: { desktop: { url: accessToken: "ewogICJ2MiI..." }, tad: { requestUrl: 'https://localhost:3000/requestSignature', responseUrl: 'https://localhost:3000/responseSignature' } }, filters: [ { expirationWindow: '0,*', issuer: 'CN=Bank*' } ], onConfirm: (result) => { console.log("onConfirm"); console.log(result); }, onCancel: (result) => { console.log("onCancel"); console.log(result); } });