PDFSign Builder is a tool to add digital signatures to PDF files. Its REST interface allows a three-phase signature:
Upload the document to sign and obtain a hash to be signed. After uploading the file, a hash can be obtained which must be signed by any third process
Generate a PKCS#7 structure using the private key corresponding to the certificate informed in phase 1.
Compose the signed document attaching the structure informed in phase 2.
Its services can be configured to respond over an HTTP or HTTPS protocol, and it is available as Docker distribution.
PDFSign builder responds to the requests in a unique URL defined in its configuration file. Different configurations can be accessed using the X-Tenant header variable.
At least a general configuration must be defined so that the service can be started.
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Alison Desktop
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In order to download the images, the user must be registered in the aforesaid platform. Contact CertiSur to request access, and inform the Docker Hub profile to grant access to the docker image.
Login using a Docker Hub account:
Login Docker Hub
# docker login -u <docker hub account>
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store
Login Succeeded
Inform your docker hub account
You have to inform your docker hub account in order to authorize to download the package. Send an email to support@certisur.com.
Open your browser pointing to http://localhost:8080/signer/v1/healthcheck (or the port defined by you) to access the URL where you published your PDFSign Builder installation. You'll see the following image.
If you can see this image means that your service is running into your docker container.
Debbie default configuration
Debbie docker image includes an ACME tenant inside. You must overwrite that definition to include your own company or project tenants.
Depending on the kind of distribution used, you must request an extended license and install it.
Send an email to support@certisur.com with the following additional information:
Company Name
Contact name
Server Name (used to identify the request. It won't affect the license if you change this value in the future).
Environment (Develop/QA/Production)
Distribution (.zip file/docker)
License request code (if you generate one in the previous step)
You'll receive an email with the license, and included it into the configuration file like: