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Alison-Desktop allows generation of keys and installation of certificates from an external application. It is designed to be accessed from a browser mainly.
Its services can be accessed through its Alison-SDK library, compatible with any browser (IExplorer 11, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Brave).
It can be accessed using Alison-SDK. From Alison-Desktop 3.x a new REST interface is available for generation, installation and testing.
Alison-Desktop was tested on the following platforms:
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Windows 10 | MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) | Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS |
Windows 8 | MacOS 10.14 (Mojave) | CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 |
Windows 7 | MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) | Alison SDK js
Alison SDK allows developer to integrate Alison Desktop in its pages in a easier way. Go to the Alison SDK documentation.
Alison Wizard
You can obtain current version of Alison Desktop from ACME Alison Wizard site.
For developers, go to the Alison Desktop documentation.
Available KeyStore List
New KeyStores are included on any new version of Alison-Desktop.
Value | Description | Image Removed
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WIN-ENH | Native and regular Windows CSP used to generate and store certificate for users. | ✔ | CSK | Propietary repository, linked to computer hardware to provide a more secure repository | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
ETOKEN | Gemalto eToken | ✔ | ✔ | MTOKEN | Century Longmai mToken | ✔ | ✔ | MACOS | Keychain respository of certificates used by OSX | ✔ | FF-NSS | Repository used by Mozilla Firefox | ✔ | ✔ | YUBIKEY | Yubico | ✔ | EPASS | Feitian ePass | ✔ | ✔ | ATHE-PIV | Athena PIV | ✔ | ✔ | PFX | Repository of certificate using a PKCS12 file | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
a SDK jsAlisonSDK type on on another User your title | KeyStoreInfo JSON structurenameproviderIdCertificate provider (usually Alison-Desktop) keyStore keyStore othertitle | Profile JSON information |
an keyStore Number Number certificate keystores keystore titleKeyStore Selector Structure | title | Certificate Selector Structure keystore of the certificate titleWebCertificate Structure | the profile that contains this certificatesubjectSubjectdeissuer {
DNDistringuishedName of the Issuer",
"parsedDN": "JSON Object that represents the DN"
"extensions": Some principal extensions defined into the certificate,
"pkcs7": "Certificate in PEM format",
"keyStoreId": "KeyStore Identifier",
"keyStoreType": "KeyStore Type"
}This structure is used to represent the status of several elements (keystore, profile, etc).
Code Block |
language | text |
title | Result Status Structure |
"status": {
"resultStatus": "[ 0 | 1 | 2 ] ",
{ "code": "result code",
"detail": "result code detail"
} |
Field | Description |
resultStatus | It's an integer value, where 0 represents that there is no error, 1 is used to alert about some special condition, which must be taken in consideration, (for example, that a cryptographic device is almost full), and 2 indicates an error on the keystore (for example, if it is locked) |
resultList | It's a list of pair key-values (code, detail), where code contains a warning or error code, and detail may contain information about the code. |
ErrorCode responses
Error code responses are returned with the following structure:
Code Block |
language | text |
title | ErrorCode response structure |
"code": 20611,
"message": "Token is not present or is empty"