Debbie Policy ConfigurationTenant configuration
debbie object defines the properties necessary to run the validation service.
Field | Required | Description | Default |
cacheDir | yes | Path where offline CRL files are stored when a download script is used. | cache/ |
policyDir | yes | Path where the validation policies are stored. | policies/ |
urlMaxRedirects | yes | Number of URL redirects supported to access CRL distribution points and OCSP responders. | 1 |
crlConnectionTimeout | yes | CRL distribution point connection timeout. (msec) | 2000 |
crlReadTimeout | yes | CRL distribution point read timeout. (msec) | 5000 |
ocspConnectionTimeout | yes | OCSP responder connection timeout. (msec) | 2000 |
ocspReadTimeout | yes | OCSP responder read timeout. (msec) | 5000 |
Code Block |
language | groovy |
title | Sample "debbie.json" contents for the "debbie" Object |
"debbie": {
"cacheDir": "cache/",
"policyDir": "policies/",
"urlMaxRedirects": 1,
"crlConnectionTimeout": 2000,
"crlReadTimeout": 5000,
"ocspConnectionTimeout": 2000,
"ocspReadTimeout": 5000
} |
Following is the content of the "debbie.json" demo configuration file included in with the validation service distribution.
Code Block |
language | text |
title | Sample Debbie demo configuration file |
"server": {
"license": "20191024050858:dW5pdmVyc2FsPVo.............RA==",
"ip": "",
"port": 8080,
"protocol": "http",
"minThreadPool": 10,
"maxThreadPool": 30,
"timeout": 5000
"debbie": {
"cacheDir": "cache/",
"policyDir": "policies/",
"urlMaxRedirects": 1,
"crlConnectionTimeout": 2000,
"crlReadTimeout": 5000,
"ocspConnectionTimeout": 2000,
"ocspReadTimeout": 5000
} |
According to this configuration, the validation service is available at "http://localhost:8080". The policy configuration files can be found in "config/policies/".
Alison SDK js
Alison SDK allows developer to integrate Alison Desktop in its pages in a easier way. Go to the Alison SDK documentation.
Alison Desktop
You can obtain current version of Alison Desktop from ACME Alison Wizard site.
For developers, go to the Alison Desktop documentation.
Note |
All policy configuration field values are case sensitive is text Following text the certiticate an especific ignoreExpiredCertificate | no | Sets Debbie validator to take expired certificates as valid ones. | true | false |
ignoreSigningTime | no | Sets Debbie validator to disable checks of the signature date. | true | false |
signatureValidityWindow | no | Sets a validity window to check the signature date. | -5:30 | not set |
checkCoversWholeDocument | noSets Debbie validator to give an error message in case a signature does not cover a whole PDF document. | true | false | to take texttext",
"ignoreExpiredCertificate": "false",
"ignoreSigningTime": "false",
"signatureValidityWindow": "-5:30",
"checkCoversWholeDocument": "true